Saturday 18 February 2023
The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is set to be in position as the Auckland Rainbow Parade returns to Ponsonby bringing diversity, unity, respect, celebration, inclusion and loads of colour in 2023.
Guardian and Acting Co-Chair Trevor Easton says “We’re absolutely thrilled to announce a date of Saturday, 18 February 2023 – there will be lights, floats, glitter, love and colour galore that we’ve all been saving up during this time focussing on the health of the nation. We will all be bringing our LGBTQIA+ game with energy, creativity and diversity along Ponsonby Road to unite participants and audience.”
From 5.30pm Ponsonby Road will come alive with a range of pre-parade activations and from 7.00pm its time to start the engines, kick your dancing heels together and hit play on those sound systems!
Parade Event Manager Shaughan Woodcock “We are calling our rainbow whanau and business diversity groups to start their engines and get planning so we can make this – the first motorised parade since 2018 – the biggest and best yet.”
To find out more about the 2023 parade or to register your business or group head over to
Keen to take advantage and become a parade partner? Contact Shaughan Woodcock, 021 744 138 or by emailing